Fotos site programma22

What hap­pens when you per­form vocal music with­out the voic­es? Traverso­lute duo Liane Sadler and Elias Conrad put this to the test, trans­lat­ing some wild and pro­gres­sive com­po­si­tions by Madalena Casulana (ca. 1540­-ca. 1590) into pure sound. Impulses from the lyrics inspire an inno­v­a­tive appli­ca­tion of his­tor­i­cal tech­niques, such as diminu­tions, arrange­ments and impro­vi­sa­tions. Sadler and Conrad thus trans­form the words of the songs into an expres­sive musi­cal dialogue. 

With music by Madalena Casulana (ca. 1540-­ca. 1590), Cipriano de Rore (1515/61565), Giorgio Mainerio (c. 1530­-1582) & Orlando di Lasso (1532­1594)


€20 | €60 (dagpas (cat. 1)) | €56 (dagpas (cat. 2))
  • young artists
Bundles & day passes
  • Liane Sadler: renaissance flute (UK-AU)
  • Elias Conrad: lute (DE)
  • Liane Sadler & Elias Conrad: ensemble (CH)