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During the MA Academy con­cert, it will be hard to sit still. Taking Johann Sebastian Bach’s fourth suite as their guide­line, our young musi­cians will be danc­ing their way through 18th cen­tu­ry Europe. The suite – cre­at­ed and danced at court before being immor­talised as a con­cert genre – is the quin­tes­sence of move­ment in music. How do Johann Sebastian Bach, John Locke, Johann Friedrich Fasch and Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco relate to each oth­er in the swirl of a suite? Germany, England, France and Italy? We dis­cov­er the answer together.

Music by Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750), John Locke (1632­-1704), Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688­-1758) & Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco (1675­-1742)

Academy Concert 0038
Academy Concert 0032
Academy Concert 0029

En Suite

Dansen met Bach als gids

Bundles & day passes
Koop Tickets
19.00 Kamermuziekzaal
  • muzikale leiding: Peter Whelan (IR)
  • orkest: MA Academy