Ensalada (Spanish for sal­ad’): a polyph­o­nous mix of lan­guages, rhythms, sul­try folk songs and ardent devo­tion. This Iberian melt­ing pot of musi­cal ingre­di­ents reached its peak in the 16th cen­tu­ry music of the Catalan com­pos­er Mateo Flecha. His El Jubilate cel­e­brates the Spanish vic­to­ry at the Battle of Pavia, whilst in La Bomba sea­men brave a ter­ri­ble storm. In La Justa, Flecha employs the­atri­cal sound effects such as sound­ing trum­pets and gal­lop­ing hooves to por­tray Adam bat­tling against the dev­il in a medieval tour­na­ment. The singers of Cantoría flavour the ensal­adas with piquant songs about feast­ing, lust and adul­tery. When the mood threat­ens to become too licen­tious, Andalusian com­posers raise a fin­ger in warn­ing against the temp­ta­tions of love.

Cantoría Site


A renaissance cocktail of southern passion

  • ensaladas
  • young artists
  • desire
  • 16th century
  • Ensemble: Cantoría (ES)
  • Muzsical direction: Jorge Losana (ES)